Durable, High-Performance 4, 5 & 6 Inch Fire Supply Hose

Our durable fire supply hoses offer the superior construction needed to fight fires in a variety of settings, including industrial environments. All of our premium-quality, rugged–yet lightweight–fire supply hose meets or exceeds NFPA specifications and, most importantly, meets Rawhide’s standards for excellence—there really is no better brand. Our TH-SUPPLY hoses are available in the following […]

The Great Baltimore Fire: Setting the Standards

The Great Baltimore Fire and how a disaster set the standards in the fire industry. What does a great fire that was extinguished over 112 years ago have to do with today’s fire hose?   In 1904, Teddy Roosevelt was President of the United States, Henry Ford and his partner had incorporated the Ford Motor […]

Hydrants, thread standardization